Patient Success: Matt Voelker

Matt, a head brewer, severed the tendons in his hand and needed to get the strength and functionality in his hand back so he could continue to do the job he loved.

Head Brewer, Matt Voelker, was unable to complete his duties at Argus Brewery in Chicago after suffering a hand injury. The injury was significant, severing the tendons in his hand. Matt underwent surgery, with a tendon being removed from his foot to repair them in his hand. Matt began therapy on his hand at the ATI Physical Therapy Beverly clinic in Chicago, Illinois.

Occupational therapist, Brittany, worked on breaking up the scar tissue with the Graston Technique. The Graston Technique is a therapeutic method for relieving adhesions in the muscles and tendons using special instruments. Brittany had Matt work on his grip and pinch to help with his fine motor skills. Once Matt was able to regain his active and passive range of motion in his fist, Brittany transitioned him to work conditioning. Matt worked with F.I.R.S.T.™ director Josh on simulating job-related activities in his therapy. When Matt was stirring 800 pounds of mash to make beer, Josh had him rotate a mop in a bucket filled with hot water. To simulate Matt carrying heavy bags of grain at the brewery, Josh had him carry a weight bar on his shoulder in the clinic. With the tag team approach, Brittany and Josh were able to provide, Matt was able to return to his full-time duties of making beer.

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