Cultivating Hope from One World to Another

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Published:  November 1, 2019

By: Alysia Isong, PT, DPT

When I received the news that I would be joining ATI’s Global Reach efforts in Villa Nueva, Guatemala, my thoughts filled with excitement. Not knowing what to expect, I felt slightly nervous knowing that I agreed to go to a country where my knowledge was a bit primitive. Adding to this, a plethora of other thoughts consumed my curiosity, such as: who would be joining me, what they would be like and how well we’d work together. Nevertheless, I remained open-minded, ready to learn and open to seeking out adventures that awaited our arrival. After we landed, I met up with the crew that I would be working with, and almost immediately, felt a sense of relief and eagerness to begin.

From day one, our accompanying partner, the Move Together Foundation, was pivotal in delivering the highest level of care and hospitality to the community. All of the hard work and effort put into the planning and execution of the trip provided much needed healthcare to the communities in need. It was inspiring to observe the work ethic of Efosa, Josh, April and the entire Move Together team – it was extremely touching to see how grateful the community was for their hard work in establishing the first clinic in Villa Nueva. Working alongside fellow physical therapists, students and Move Together volunteers gave me the opportunity to teach as well as learn from the Guatemalan clinicians and students. For me, it was a collaborative learning experience.

When it came time to build a clinic for the community, there was a great level of collaboration between our crew and the locals. I must admit, I felt intimidated and shy because my Spanish was not at the level I wanted it to be. I was disappointed I did not practice more before to the trip, but I did gain a few new words here and there. That’s not to say all was lost. With the help of student translators, I was still able to effectively communicate with the members of the community and even learn some Portuguese along the way.

Through hard work, dedication and teamwork, the second clinic in Villa Nueva was finally open. As a rush of people hurried through the doors, I was overwhelmed with joy to see how much of an impact our work had in the community. The people of Villa Nueva had no knowledge about the benefits of rehabilitation and it was our job to educate them. Everyone that entered the new clinic left with some form of relief and a better understanding of the benefits physical therapy has on the body.

My trip to Villa Nueva was one the most memorable learning experiences of my life. This experience taught me the importance of making connections and taking advantage of the opportunities I face. I came into this trip not knowing what to expect and left with a new family and a greater appreciation for the benefits of the healthcare system. My role as a physical therapist goes beyond therapy and I am truly honored to have been a part of this clinical mission trip. On that note, I hope to continue my work to help those locally and internationally.