Dry needling is a specialized physical therapy technique that involves inserting thin, sterile needles into specific trigger points in muscles to alleviate pain and improve function. At ATI Physical Therapy, our certified practitioners use dry needling as part of a comprehensive approach to pain management and rehabilitation.
Dry needling is a specialized physical therapy technique that involves inserting thin, solid needles into specific points in muscles known as trigger points or knots. Unlike acupuncture, which is based on traditional Chinese medicine, dry needling is grounded in Western medical principles and focuses on treating musculoskeletal pain and movement impairments. This technique is called “dry” because no substance is injected into the body. Certified physical therapists use dry needling to address a wide range of conditions, including chronic pain, sports injuries, and muscle tension.
Dry needling works by targeting myofascial trigger points, which are taut bands within a muscle that can cause pain, restrict movement, and affect muscle activation patterns. When a thin needle is inserted into these trigger points, it creates a small, localized injury that stimulates the body’s natural healing response. This process, known as a “twitch response,” helps to release muscle tension, improve blood flow to the area, and promote the release of pain-relieving endorphins.
Our expert dry-needling practitioners target a wide range of musculoskeletal issues, including:
The benefits of dry needling therapy include:
We understand that you may have questions about dry needling therapy. To help you feel more informed and comfortable, we’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions. Our expert practitioners at ATI Physical Therapy are always available to address your specific concerns, but these answers should provide you with a solid foundation of knowledge.
While both use thin needles, dry needling is based on Western medicine and targets specific muscle trigger points, whereas acupuncture is rooted in traditional Chinese medicine and focuses on balancing energy flow along meridians.
Most patients experience minimal discomfort. You may feel a brief pinch when the needle is inserted, followed by a muscle twitch. Some soreness after treatment is normal and usually subsides within 24-48 hours.
The number of sessions varies depending on your condition and response to treatment. Some patients experience relief after one session, while others may benefit from a series of treatments. Your ATI physical therapist will develop a personalized plan for you.
Dry needling is generally safe when performed by a trained professional. Minor side effects may include temporary soreness, bruising, or slight bleeding at the needle site. Serious complications are rare. Your therapist will discuss any potential risks based on your individual health status.
Discover articles on the science of targeted pain relief, breakthrough recovery techniques, and cutting-edge innovations in dry needling physical therapy.
Take the first step towards pain-free living. Schedule a consultation with our expert dry needling practitioners at ATI Physical Therapy today. Our team is committed to providing personalized care and innovative treatments to help you achieve your health and wellness goals. Don’t let pain hold you back – experience dry needling therapy at ATI.