Talking Turkey

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Published:  August 4, 2019

Family, food and festivities…the ingredients for great Thanksgiving memories! But, if you’re not careful, these memories may turn into aches and pains. ATI’s physical therapists provide advice on simple things that can be done to help keep you pain free.


  • Stand on a padded surface.
  • When standing, distribute body weight equally between legs.
  • If needed for comfort, use a stool to prop up your foot.  Be sure to give each leg a turn.
  • Stand while carving/chopping.
  • Choose a work surface level with forearms when elbows are bent at a 90° angle.
  • Perform stretching exercises to loosen shoulder, back and neck muscles.
  • Take a break every  20 – 30 minutes.


  • Bend with your knees when lifting  turkeys,  boxes or items from bottom shelves.
  • Keep the load close to your midline (bellybutton), and your body.
  • Test an object’s weight by pushing it with your foot. If it seems too heavy, get help.


  • Use a cutting surface and not your hand.
  • Keep your knife sharp and consider using an electric knife.
  • Keep the knife handle and cutting surface dry.
  • Never carve towards yourself, and keep your opposite hand away from the knife.