Sports Medicine
Carrie Cox, athletic trainer with ATI Sports Medicine, demonstrates some simple stretches that can be done right before your first swing!
Hi, I'm Carrie Cox, an athletic trainer with ATI Sports Medicine. We're here to show you some simple stretches that you can do before you go out to play golf.
Get in the game with Anthony, a placekicker for Lincoln-Way East, as he overcomes his injury and helps his team head to the State Championship!
My injury prevented me from finishing my sophomore football season.
Anthony came in pretty fresh with an ankle sprain. We really had to work on flexibility, and functionally getting him to do what he needs to do as a kicker.
You could just see progress yourself. They're helping you through it, making the workouts harder. It makes yourself see you're doing better, and that you can do it.
When Nick Willis moved to Ann Arbor, Michigan as a student athlete from New Zealand, he wanted to bring his skills and abilities to the next level. Nick was introduced to Pete Kitto, a physical therapist who specialized in training competitive runners. Pete was considered the "Running Guru," and would train those he felt who could run at the international level. Nick was able to prove that he had what it took to become an elite runner, from there Pete and Nick began their friendship and training relationship together.